Business Model

PIKA will conduct its Initial Token Ofering and Token Sale through Launchpad mode.

A successful Launchpad model meets the market's demand for new project investments by providing a way for investors to acquire project tokens, as well as providing an opportunity for new projects to be publicly ofered through cryptocurrency exchanges or platforms, thereby attracting investors and obtaining financial backing. The future of the Launchpad market is very promising, and the table shows that the major Launchpad platforms are focusing on diferent types of projects, and as the Web3 industries continue to grow, the demand for new projects is increasing, and is currently in the upswing of the incremental market.

Service Fee

A certain percentage of service fee is charged from the project side as the cost of token issuance and transaction.

Token Staking

Require project parties to purchase tokens of PIKA in advance as a staking to ensure the stable development of the platform ecosystem.

Liquidity Mining

Provide liquidity mining mechanism to attract users to participate in transactions and increase the liquidity of platform tokens.

Project incubation and service income

Project incubation and support services are provided for a fee.

Value-added income from PIKA tokens

Indirectly realizing income from the business model by promoting the development of the platform ecosystem to enhance the value of platform tokens.

Last updated